Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

Ebook Download The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book)

Ebook Download The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book)

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The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book)

The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book)

The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book)

Ebook Download The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book)

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The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book)

Product details

Series: Dance Horizons Book

Paperback: 152 pages

Publisher: Princeton Book Company; First Edition edition (October 1, 1990)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0916622967

ISBN-13: 978-0916622961

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

3 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#243,818 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

the book is quite old, so if you have a problem with your foot and you went to a podiatrist, you probably already know everything.however, for a "complete beginner" in feet problems it has some useful information.

Very useful book. Very ilustrative.

I have danced my entire life and often I would get an injury and simply ignore it or treat it how I would a simple sore muscle or cramp. This book gives a complete encyclapedic dictionary of common "dancer" injuries and how to remedy them. It has proved to be a very helpful reference book for me on a daily basis. This book is easy to understand and even easier to use, this book will help anyone with basic foot problems, it isn't just for dancers.

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The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book) PDF

The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book) PDF

The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book) PDF
The Dancer's Foot Book (Dance Horizons Book) PDF

Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

Ebook , by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

Ebook , by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

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, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

Ebook , by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

Feeling bored to invest the downtime or weekend or vacations without doing anything helpful? Spending times also lot of times is very easy, very simple. Yet, are all useful enough? It is not your time to invest the time lost. This is the time to appreciate all spare time, yet with such purposeful activities. Also having vacation by holidays someplace, it is additionally valuable. As well as below, you could also spare your couple of times to check out a publication; the , By Vilhjalmur Stefansson is exactly what we recommend for you.

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, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

Product details

File Size: 1666 KB

Print Length: 478 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1982913673

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Impacable Publications (May 13, 2018)

Publication Date: May 13, 2018

Language: English

ASIN: B07D2GQ889



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#43,347 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

My heart sank when Kindle advised an estimated reading time of 11.5 hours! I think a good 75 percent of the book was about covering many miles by “sledge” and shooting caribou. Yet somehow I plodded along tho I will admit to flipping through some pages unread. The book was written in 1913 and I kept wondering how this same book would be written now with our technology and modern “things.”I’m amazed at how detailed the narrative was. Traveling hundreds of miles in snow and bitter cold he recorded many activities. The snow houses were interesting. Of similar shape to what we used to call igloos though not made of blocks of ice, they apparently provided a good deal of warmth. Yet the “prestige” of living in a traditional “white man’s above ground house” means they lack the natural insulation and require imported coal or other heating fuel. All that whale etc meat and blubber was not exactly appetizing. I can’t imagine a diet without fruits and veggies.Of particular interest was his meeting the so-called Blond Eskimos. They certainly DID look different from the other eskimos photographed. The book is peppered with lots of photos, which greatly enhanced the text. They were grainy but good when I enlarged on my iPad. Despite the warning that the modern re-publication of the book resulted in formatting errors, I found very few in the Kindle edition. Not annoying at all.While searching on the internet for a map, I came across a 2014 article (that emphasizes Inuit diet and ketosis etc) that was far from complimentary: It states “Ah yes, Vilhjálmur Stefansson—easily one of the least capable Arctic explorers and well known for stretching the truth. One of Stefansson’s early claims to fame was his supposed sightings of “Blond Eskimos” in Western Nunavut—a claim that was later debunked by DNA testing.” And:“Yes, “read Stefansson” if you want a Disneyland portrayal of the Inuit that isn’t supported by scientific observations and appeals to Westerners. Stefansson’s cooked and Westernized version of the Inuit’s diet became the cornerstone of future ketogenic diets—every single one pointing back to Stefansson as if he was a reputable source.”“Editor’s note: Tim “Tatertot” Steele, who lives in North Pole, Alaska, tells me that the natives uniformly regard Stefansson as a liar...]”Even more disconcerting was a very negative quote from Stefansson’s expedition partner (Dr. Anderson) but I couldn’t locate it for this review so am assuming it was in another article.The article referenced another book available on Amazon: Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic by Jennifer Niven. In a review that appeared in Booklist: “Vilhjalmur Steffanson, the scientist whose carelessness was largely responsible for the ill-fated voyage of the Karluk, once again embarks on a haphazard mission.”Disheartened, I continued but skipped over quite a bit. At the end of the book are many pages of sightings of animals, birds, insects, and vegetation which may be of interest to naturalists.Googling his name will reveal additional info.My own negative feelings toward missionaries who trade goods from “civilized” (tongue in cheek) society in exchange for religious brainwashing and “salvation” arose many times. The whole “thou shalt not work on the Sabbath” belief was so ingrained that several times theconverted refused to go and rescue people on a Sunday. Preying on the minds and souls of people who don’t understand many western concepts is particularly abhorrent.As a gal who always needs to know where the bathroom is, I was disappointed at the lack of details about the personal customs of the eskimos. Did they have a toilet area inside their snow houses? How do you go potty with all those heavy animal skin clothes? Is privacy while “going “ or having sex an issue? At what age do they become sexually active? What are their rites in this regard? And, lastly, I was hoping he would touch on something I read in a “white man living with eskimos” book many years ago. This author said they had a “my wife is your wife” attitude. Where is Margaret Mead when you need her?

One of the few great men of the Arctic! His time less account's have been proven over and over and observations have been guide book for many who followed. I read the book 50 years ago as a young survival instructor in Alaska.I spent time northern Canada, Barter Island, Pt. Barrow and inland villages. My time with the Eskimos are a highlight of my life. At 82 I shall not get back but the memories live on!

Really interesting read. This is a story of a people who spend most of their time looking for food. Never really thought about it before but they have no good way of preserving large amounts of food. They do smoke some but most of the time they are out on the hunt with maybe a couple of days worth of food for backup. The do cache some supplies but no guarantee someone else won't eat it. They cut and ate meat off the same washed up whale carcass for two years Makes our lives look pretty easy in comparison. In addition, you realize just how tough and hardy these people are. They walk everywhere and one guy walked 150 miles ... to pick up the mail and a few supplies. Even though there seemed to be a lot of game - they were normally successful - a military group starved to death because they did not know how to hunt.

This book was different from I expected it would make a good reference reading for a student in the study of the natural world of this region.I expected it to be his daily life with the Eskimo people.

I found the book very interesting. It clearly describes the brutal conditions the author was required to live in during his archeological studies of the Eskimo. It is obvious that he had to depend upon the Eskimo for his survival and the success of his mission. I wished that he would have given a better picture of the Eskimo culture . Over all I found it and very good read.

2nd reading - I liked it both times. His later books are trashj moeller

Some educational information with too many irrelevant details that make the book essentially obsolete. Books by Richard K. Nelson are significantly better with first hand experiences and observations, especially on sea ice and hunting.

Very informative book. Great history of exploration in the Artic at the turn of the century.

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, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson PDF

, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson PDF

, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson PDF
, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson PDF

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