Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

Ebook Free , by Janice Campbell Paul

Ebook Free , by Janice Campbell Paul

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, by Janice Campbell Paul

, by Janice Campbell Paul

, by Janice Campbell Paul

Ebook Free , by Janice Campbell Paul

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, by Janice Campbell Paul

Product details

File Size: 1484 KB

Print Length: 369 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1726124088

Publisher: Propiv Press; 2 edition (September 1, 2018)

Publication Date: September 1, 2018

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#66,332 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I finished reading this book in one day. The writing is good; I didn't want to put it down. However, it's left somewhat of a bad taste. I don't doubt that she loves the Lord, but her practices don't really resonate as ... I can't put it into words. I don't want to downplay her experiences. So much of what she has experienced seems .... Unvalidated? It just doesn't compute as what the Bible teaches. Can God give visions, etc. Of course. Does He give His people desires to do things for Him? Definitely. But I don't know.... It seems there would have been more spiritual growth and more completion of at least one project?I get where she came from when she said no churches would support them because they weren't part of another organization. But honestly, I'm not sure I would have felt comfortable supporting her. There just wasn't a lot of biblical truth behind their desires. She shared her healing testimony, but never shared her actual testimony in the book--nothing about accepting she was a sinner and believing in Christ as her Savior. It is implied and shared in a roundabout way, but much more is said about visions, deep prayer, and her healing.But mostly, the fact that her husband was possessed at one point by a demon rang loud warning bells because "Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world"!!!! A demon CANNOT possess a chrisian. CANNOT. So this indicates that her husband was never saved and his actions throughout and his background gave no indications that this wasn't the case. Anyone can talk and be sincere and I know that many of the cultures outside the United States mix religions and practice what they want for all. The true barometer for the Christian is a changed life. The author's life changed; I don't see that her husband's ever did.I'm left unsettled. The Lord knows her heart and I believe she is sincere. As a fellow believer, there is something missing or I would come away praising instead of feeling so concerned. That's it! Instead of this book causing me to really think and ponder outside the box, I have come away concerned.

I've not finished reading the book yet, simply because I am a slow reader, but I have only a few chapters left to read. But I have to say that I found the book so hard to put down. I've not read many autobiographies, but have read books about other people's lives, such as biographies on Charles Chaplin, George Lucas, and one about Frank Deford's little daughter, "Alex." All of these books grabbed my attention as did Janice Campbell's book, which I wanted and still want to continue reading and can't wait to get to the end of the book! I've also have read lots of other books by other writers, but mostly fiction such as David Baldacci, Dan Brown, Terry Brooks, JRR Tolkien, and many others, and even though biographies tend not to be my favorite of categories, I found Janice's book captivating and not easy to stop reading.On a more personal level, I am not a religious person, nor am I anything close to an example of what a Christian should be. But I found Janice's book inspirational and encouraging in my own life, as I found I could relate in many of the trials and struggles she faced, not only in relationships, but having traveled to foreign countries and having to adapt to their customs and practices all of which I am a bit unused to. I doubt I've had the extremities she has had, but I can relate to some of her experiences. Her experiences as an imperfect person, with flaws that she is not afraid to write in this book, and still God has blessed her, healed her, and used her as she simply is, to bring Glory to God, is truly inspirational and gives me hope that I am not a total lost cause in life. I think if you read her book, you will find an inspirational story of a normal person who has gone through many trials as many of us do, and find that God still uses us at whatever state we are in, and still does miracles.

This book is one of the most honest I have ever read. The author has a poetic way of putting her feelings, as well as the events she went through. Could I ever get up and leave America to go live in India? I am not that brave. She was not a tourist, she experienced life there. She did not rail at the luxuries she gave up, but she adapted herself to a completely different culture and way of life. Most of the time she was not even aware of the danger she was in. I believe she came away with a different outlook on life. This book is insightful, colorful, intriguing, educational, and I could go on and on. Read it, you'll like it.

I read this book to know more about the remarkable woman, Janice Campbell-Paul, but was still not prepared for how eloquently and beautifully she has shared her life story. Her faith in God and daily relationship with prayer and meditation and fasting has brought her to an ethereal place between a material world and a spiritual world. Her book is honest and sobering, triumphant and brilliant, and so very real.... She has expanded my own awareness of the uplifting transformation that awaits us when we begin a dedicated spiritual path with God.

I bought this book because I met the author and wanted to know her story. I did not expect to be magically transported to another culture viewed with such compassion and honesty and vulnerability. It was an amazing and compelling story even though I am not a religious person. I actually loved that she was a renegade missionary following her calling despite the rejection of organized religions.The whole story is a treasure to read and I kept hoping it would go on longer. It is well-written and well-edited and was just a joy to discover. I’m so glad I picked it up.

A woman healed by Faith travels to India to meet and marry a man she met online and to spread the story of her healing. This memoir is skillfully written and flows beautifully. As expected, the book is full of references to Christianity as that is so important to the narrative. I only found it sad that after 5 years in India, the author seemed to know so little about Hinduism and Islam, as evidenced in some passages of the book. Overall, the book was a fast read and I enjoyed it. I hope the author continues her story in a follow up to this one.

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