Kamis, 27 April 2017

Free Ebook

Free Ebook

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Product details

Print Length: 232 pages

Publisher: University of Hawaii Press (September 30, 2019)

Publication Date: September 30, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,409,892 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)





Selasa, 25 April 2017

Download Ebook Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long

Download Ebook Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long

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Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long

Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long

Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long

Download Ebook Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long

What's title of the book to bear in mind always in your mind? Is this the Otis And The Tornado, By Loren Long Well, we will ask you, have you review it? When you have read this book, just what do you assume? Can you inform others concerning exactly what type of publication is this? That's right, that's so remarkable. Well, for you, do you have not review yet this publication? Never mind, you need to obtain the experience and lesson as the others who have actually read it. And also now, we supply it for you.

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Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long

Amazon.com Review

From Loren Long: A Letter to Fans Dear Reader, I first drove an old tractor working on a Lexington, Kentucky horse farm for a summer job during my college years. It was ancient and rusty but steady and dependable and still contributed to the farm. I loved driving that old tractor. I had no idea back then that I'd become a children's book author and illustrator someday...let alone write and illustrate my own story about a little tractor named Otis. Those days back on the horse farm served as part of the inspiration for Otis, the little tractor who loves to work hard and play hard with his friends on the farm that he loves. Otis and the Tornado is about friendship and loyalty. I hoped to create a character that children will revere as much as I did the books I loved when I was little. A character and a book that becomes a trusted friend, who loves to have fun and who is fiercely loyal, brave and trustworthy. I had so much fun creating Otis that my publisher and I decided to do another Otis story, Otis and the Tornado. In this new Otis story you'll read how Otis encounters a storm but also how he handles a new character on the farm that is just plain mean. Otis and the Tornado is about empathy and bravery. I hope you'll share Otis with a little one in your life. And together you'll get to know a spunky little tractor who works hard and plays hard and always has time for another friend. I hope that new friend is you. Putt-puff! Loren

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About the Author

Loren Long grew up in Lexington, Kentucky. He pursued graduate-level studies at the American Academy of Art in Chicago after graduating with a BA in Graphic Design/Art Studio from the University of Kentucky. After graduation Long worked as an illustrator for a greeting card company in Cincinnati before beginning his career as a freelance illustrator.Since then, Long has received numerous accolades for his fluid WPA painting style. He has been awarded two gold medals from the Society of Illustrators in New York, and has been frequently selected for their annual exhibition and book. His work has also appeared in many other major annual exhibitions such as American Illustration, Communication Arts, Step By Step Graphics and Print. Long’s clients include Time Magazine, Reader’s Digest, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Atlantic Monthly, Boy’s Life, Land’s End, Sports Illustrated and HBO. He has also illustrated book covers for numerous publishers and has recently concentrated on illustrating books for young readers where his work has garnered much recognition and praise.Recent awards/accolades:2002 The United Nations chose to hang in their lobby Long’s painting of a firefighter in action, along with 21 other selections from the Prevailing Human Spirit Show at the Society of Illustrators.2003Recipient of the Golden Kite Award for picture book illustration, presented by the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators for I Dream of Trains. The book was also selected as one of the New York Public Library’s 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing, 2003.2004 Winner of the Parents' Choice Gold Award.Illustrates New York Times #1 best-seller, Mr. Peabody’s ApplesTo learn more about Loren Long and his books, go to www.lorenlong.com

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Product details

Age Range: 3 - 7 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 2

Lexile Measure: AD640L (What's this?)

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Series: Otis (Book 2)

Hardcover: 40 pages

Publisher: Philomel Books; First Edition edition (September 6, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0399254773

ISBN-13: 978-0399254772

Product Dimensions:

10.8 x 0.4 x 11.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

75 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#31,342 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I'll say right off the bat that I am a big fan of Otis. I fell in love with him the minute I read the first book. So much so that I ordered the stuffed toy. I like this book even better than first. The large, bright illustrations make this book perfect as a read-a-loud. The picture of the bull does a great job of emphasizing his bigness and grumpiness. The writing is clear and crisp and great for reading out-loud. I found it easy to change my tone of voice with the changing emotion of the story. The second graders I read this to enjoyed it also. In fact, one class that usually cannot be quiet for any length of time, became silent when I started reading this book. That to me is the best sign of a great book, when the students become so intently focused on the book. This book has the look and feel of a classic. I will note that some younger children may find the tornado frightening. Highly recommended.

Otis and the tornado is my toddler’s favorite Otis book! The heart of the book is helping others even if you are intimidated by them. We love the story of the bull’s transformation from frightening other animals to befriending them. We started reading it together when I knew bad weather was approaching later in the week. We then read it repeatedly the night the hurricane was nearest us and the threat of tornadoes was high. The book helped him understand what a tornado is and what you should do to be safe. He then understood why we had to stay in our designated safe spot and why he has to carefully listen to my directions.

My 3 year old grandson and I adore the original Otis book. First be aware that this is a very large book if you're buying the hardback version. It doesn't fit on our bookshelf and I can only read it sitting upright. More importantly to me, it seems a bit choppy. The book jumps from the animals finding the farm in need of repair to "but when the work was done". I would have liked at least a page about them working on the repairs rather than just skimping over thst part and going right into them having fun.

I read Otis to my grandkids last weekend and what a Gem. Otis represents all that is good as he tries his best to accomodate all of the creatures on the farm. Mr bull will have nothing to do with the others as he holds court in his small kingdom, the field. All of a suddenl things take a turn for the worse and Otis, as all heros, makes sure the group is taken care of as he finds protection. However, the hated bull is found to be missing and Otis goes looking for him despite the danger. As often the case with "BULLIES", Mr. Bull is found trembeling and very much afraid of his own skin. Otis takes charge and despite the past takes the bull to safety. In the end, all is happy and the future seem bright. What a marvalous tale to tell the kids. It is much like Billy Whiskers, The Little Engine that Could and others,. Alls well that ends well!

Our grandson (two and a half years old) enjoys this book very much. The story is meaningful and teaches great lessons on friendship, loyalty, courage, persistence and leadership. Otis is a friendly, resourceful tractor who helps save his farm animal friends and even an intimidating, unfriendly bull from a destructive tornado. It has lots of action, wonderful illustrations and is well written enough to keep a child of this age very engaged. Grandson says, "Again!" every time I read it to him. For these reasons, I would definitely recommend it.

We are big fans of the Otis books, and this is my 4yo's favorite. We live in "tornado alley" so books about tornadoes aren't taken very lightly. I appreciate the authors accurate depiction of tornadic storms, as well as what to do in the case of one. While this was not his point, I'm sure, it has resonated with my 4yo. Otherwise, the true story line (being a friend to the unfriendly) is a wonderful lesson on kindness even when it's not deserved.

This is another great story about Otis and his friends on the farm. These books have appealing illustrations and stories about bravery, kindness and friendship. My grandchildren want to hear them over and over, and I love reading them - a win-win! I am always looking for books that are entertaining and have heroic acts that little ones can relate to. Loren Long has hit that great combination several times, and Otis and the Tornado is one of them!

I bought this as a birthday gift for my 4 year old nephew. The qualitiy of the book is excellent.When I buy a gift for a small child, I want to make sure it clearly stands out from the mountains of toys that other people give - and 20 years later, I want it to be around and be known from whence it came. Those goals are achieved with this product.

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Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long PDF

Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long PDF

Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long PDF
Otis and the Tornado, by Loren Long PDF

Jumat, 21 April 2017

Download PDF , by David R. Gross

Download PDF , by David R. Gross

Looking forward to an enhanced ideas as well as minds are a must. It is not just done by the people that have big works. That's likewise not just carried out by the trainees or earners in fixing their responsibilities issues. Everyone has very same opportunity to seek and also look forward for their life. Enriching the minds and also ideas for much better way of living is a must. When you have actually chosen the ways of exactly how you obtain the problems and also take the fixing, you must need deep thoughts as well as inspirations.

, by David R. Gross

, by David R. Gross

, by David R. Gross

Download PDF , by David R. Gross

Following your should constantly satisfy the motivation to acquire everybody is currently easy. Linking to the net is among the routes to do. There are numerous sources that supply and also attach us to other world problem. As one of the items to see in web, this web site ends up being a very offered area to try to find many resources. Yeah, sources regarding guides from countries on the planet are offered.

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Having this book but never ever trying to read is type of nonsense. You should read it even couple of. Reviewing by couple of is actually better than nothing. You can take pleasure in analysis by starting in the really satisfying time. The moment where you can really filter the info required from this publication. The , By David R. Gross will certainly be so valuable when you actually comprehend exactly what really this book offers. So, locate your on way to see exactly how your choice about the new life within guide.

, by David R. Gross

Product details

File Size: 2779 KB

Print Length: 180 pages

Publisher: Book Publishers Network; 1 edition (January 19, 2015)

Publication Date: January 19, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Lending: Not Enabled

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#118,090 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Wonderful.Much like the James Herriot's books and left me wanting more.


It was very fun and interesting to read these travels. I have been to many of the same places so could really relate to the adventures.

Written in a relaxing "down to earth" style I could relate to. The author reminds of life's important lessons like making the most of the time we have with loved ones.

It was o.k. I got tired of reading it before I was through, but i did finish it.

warm and fun reading

Started out well, but became drawn out. Too much history about people l don't know.

After reviewing over 600 books, this is only the second time I've accepted a free copy for review and (so far) I'm batting a thousand. Dr. Gross is an experienced writer and he knows how to tell a story. In this case, the story is his own, beginning with the death of his beloved wife. Widows are the object of our deep sympathy, but widowers are treated as though their loss is somehow less significant. After all, a man can easily find another wife, right? It's good for us to be reminded that a loving partnership of many years cannot be replaced and that women don't have a monopoly on grief and loneliness.Surprisingly, it's not a morbid or depressing book. Although stunned by the loss of his wife, the author realized that he was still of importance to others - sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, his brother's family, and his many friends. He decided that his first months of grief would be easier if he left the home filled with memories and traveled. He bought a truck and a pull-behind camper called "The Frog" and acquired a German Shepherd. A rescue dog who had been abused, Charlize quickly became a treasured traveling companion and (like all German Shepherds) took very seriously her twin roles as guardian and comforter. If you have ever loved an animal, this story will resonant with you.But Dr. Gross is not just a widower and a dog lover. He's a scientist with a world view that I can only describe as skeptically idealistic. He's a member of the generation between the "Greatest Generation" and the Baby Boomers. He was too young for WWII and the Korean War and too old for Vietnam. What other country dates it's generations by wars? He's a family man, although the extent of this is slow to come out. Unlike a woman (who would build her story around her children and grandchildren) he mentions his family only in passing at first. But gradually it becomes apparent that his relationships with his sons and their families are deep and loving. He also cherishes friendships - many of them dating from his college years - and some of his best stories are of visits to his friends. He never loses himself in his grief, but always remains very much alive to what's going on around him.He's also a Westerner - born and bred - and he's fascinated by the history of the West and by its present and future. He doesn't see the West with the rose-colored glasses of a new-comer, but with the eyes of experience and love. Having little first hand knowledge of the Western U.S., I found his descriptions, explanations, and musings as interesting as anything I've read in a long time. This is a wide-ranging book and one that will appeal to many people for many reasons.I was sent a free copy of this book in paperback in exchange for an honest review. If you have a device that supports color photographs, the ebook version is an even better choice because you'll get the full benefit of the beautiful pictures. On the other hand, you can pass the paperback along to friends and family when you've finished and (trust me) you'll want to. It's too good a book to keep to yourself.

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Sabtu, 01 April 2017

Download PDF Go Suck A Lemon, by Michael Cornwall

Download PDF Go Suck A Lemon, by Michael Cornwall

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Go Suck A Lemon, by Michael Cornwall

Go Suck A Lemon, by Michael Cornwall

Go Suck A Lemon, by Michael Cornwall

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Go Suck A Lemon, by Michael Cornwall

Product details

Paperback: 228 pages

Publisher: lulu.com (December 24, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1365632008

ISBN-13: 978-1365632006

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.6 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

1 customer review

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#471,896 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Have started to implement the AiBCD theory and already noticing the difference in my daily life. Still get caught off guard by my emotions occasionally but as Michael mentioned, it's like learning a new languange which will need constant practice and "the force of will" to re-wire a new way of thinking and reaction to firmly replace your old destructive emotions.

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