Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Ebook We Fed an Island: The True Story of Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Meal at a Time, by Jose Andres

Ebook We Fed an Island: The True Story of Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Meal at a Time, by Jose Andres

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We Fed an Island: The True Story of Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Meal at a Time, by Jose Andres

We Fed an Island: The True Story of Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Meal at a Time, by Jose Andres

We Fed an Island: The True Story of Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Meal at a Time, by Jose Andres

Ebook We Fed an Island: The True Story of Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Meal at a Time, by Jose Andres

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We Fed an Island: The True Story of Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Meal at a Time, by Jose Andres


“...The author’s passion to help people is palpable . . . His actions should be the basis for future work by FEMA and other humanitarian agencies . . . A passionate and courageous story that should be required reading for anyone involved in disaster response.” (Kirkus Reviews (starred review))“This lovely, energizing story from Michelin-starred chef Andrés and his frequent cookbook coauthor Wolffe (Made in Spain) provides an antidote to passivity and cynicism . . .[A] powerful story of the impact a well-meaning group can have on the world.”  (Publishers Weekly (starred review))“José Andrés’s work to build a massive relief operation from the ground up after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico was nothing short of miraculous—and a powerful reminder that we all have a responsibility to do what we can to help one another in times of need.” (President Bill Clinton)“In the days and weeks after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, José Andrés seemed to always be in constant motion. . . but it’s only in the pages of this book that the scale of their contribution becomes clear. What an amazing story!” (Anderson Cooper)“When disaster hit Puerto Rico, José Andrés didn’t wait . . . His big heart and boundless energy could not be restrained by red tape. People were hungry, and José is a chef. Chefs feed people. . . He is a leader, an innovator, and a true hero.” (Anthony Bourdain)“We know personally of the incredible commitment, ingenuity, and solutions that José brings to our world and the impact this book can have in actually making changes and improving the way we deal with natural disasters. We feel privileged to call him our friend.” (Gloria and Emilio Estefan)“I witnessed José’s genius and generosity of spirit firsthand when I visited Puerto Rico . . . This tribute captures the integrity, passion and vigor he employs in pursuit of justice for all. A must-read for those who seek to be compassionate changemakers.” (Laurene Powell Jobs)“A manifesto asking governments and nonprofit groups to rethink the way they feed people after a natural disaster…as close to a page-turner as current-affairs nonfiction gets.” (Washington Post)“A candid manifesto, brimming with righteous anger and holding to account those who should have fed the island, and didn’t.” (Bon Appétit)

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From the Back Cover

The true story of how a group of chefs fed hundreds of thousands of hungry Americans after Hurricane Maria and touched the hearts of many moreChef José Andrés arrived in Puerto Rico four days after Hurricane Maria ripped through the island. The economy was destroyed and for most people there was no clean water, no food, no power, no gas, and no way to communicate with the outside world.Andrés addressed the humanitarian crisis the only way he knew how: by feeding people, one hot meal at a time. From serving sancocho with his friend José Enrique at Enrique’s ravaged restaurant in San Juan to eventually cooking 100,000 meals a day at more than a dozen kitchens across the island, Andrés and his team fed hundreds of thousands of people. At the same time, they also confronted a crisis with deep roots, as well as the broken and wasteful system that helps keep some of the biggest charities and NGOs in business.Based on Andrés’s insider’s take as well as on meetings, messages, and conversations he had while in Puerto Rico, We Fed an Island movingly describes how a network of community kitchens activated real change and tells an extraordinary story of hope in the face of disasters both natural and man-made, offering suggestions for how to address a crisis like this in the future.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 288 pages

Publisher: Anthony Bourdain/Ecco (September 11, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0062864483

ISBN-13: 978-0062864482

Product Dimensions:

6 x 1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

62 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#20,613 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The preceding review by B. Dixon is comprehensive and ably covers all the bases, so this is just an addendum. For those who are not typical readers of nonfiction, this is immensely readable. I suspect chef Andres is a straight-talker and this text echoes his style. Also, one can see the hand of co-author journalist Wolffe, in particular the challenge it must have been to collect all the facts, quotes, stories, and background information, and then organize them into a timeline along with an interesting narrative. Finally, as Andres notes, the simple desire to help others was the genesis of the idea to feed the hungry, and the efforts by all chronicled in this book are representative of the best that Americans offer consistently under crisis conditions. Some folks traveled to Puerto Rico, many were already based there, most were born and raised there. The supply chain, fuel, coordination, transport, refrigeration, facilities, communication – all were critical elements to be managed and executed. The bulk of the daily cooking of sancocho (stew) and making sandwiches was carried out by local chefs and volunteers. To prepare these 3 million meals took a lot of time and energy under challenging conditions, but they did it.

The Washington Post just reviewed this book and found it "riveting." The text of Tim Carman's review is below, but I recommend you search for the original yourself -- it includes lots of photos and links that are also valuable.With “We Fed an Island,” chef-and-restaurateur-turned-relief worker José Andrés doesn’t just tell the story about how he and a fleet of volunteers cooked millions of meals for the Americans left adrift on Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. He exposes what he views as an outdated top-down, para-military-type model of disaster relief that proved woefully ineffective on an island knocked flat by the Category 4 hurricane.Andrés also points plenty of fingers. At President Trump. At the Federal Emergency Management Agency. At the American Red Cross. At Puerto Rican politicians who let their own people down. No one is spared Andrés’s critical eye, including the chef himself.Although it contains moments of real pathos, the book is not a saccharine, self-serving tribute to the work of thousands of chefs, line cooks, food truck operators and other volunteers who heeded the call to help from Andrés’s nonprofit organization, World Central Kitchen. It’s a manifesto asking governments and nonprofit groups to rethink the way they feed people after a natural disaster.Co-written by Richard Wolffe, a veteran journalist who has collaborated with Andrés on a pair of cookbooks, “We Fed an Island” is as close to a page-turner as current-affairs nonfiction gets. There are good guys and bad guys. There are obstacles faced and obstacles overcome. There are winners and losers. There is an outrage on virtually every page. My advance copy of the book is so full of dog-eared pages, highlighted passages and marginalia that it looks like a scholar’s copy of Shakespeare’s collected plays.In “We Fed an Island,” José Andrés criticizes the U.S. government and the American Red Cross. (Ecco) “It was already clear to me that this was a deadly serious humanitarian crisis,” Andrés writes about his first days on the island, right around the time Trump told reporters that his administration had received “tremendous reviews” for its response on Puerto Rico.“It was also an untold disaster, hidden from view and lied about by our public officials,” Andrés continues. “My mission was to help my fellow American citizens, and to tell their story to a world that was living in the dark.”Puerto Ricans were living on the edge even before Maria hit the island, and Andrés and Wolffe make sure to spell it out. They lay out the yawning inequalities between Americans on the mainland and those on Puerto Rico: The lack of voting rights, the devastating effects of the Jones Act of 1920 on the island’s economy and the substandard benefits given to those living below the poverty line. They make the case that Puerto Rico is, if not a de facto colony, then at least a territory full of second-class citizens.When Maria struck the island last September, it laid bare many of the problems affecting Puerto Rico: The crumbling infrastructure that left folks without running water and electricity for weeks; the huge number of impoverished residents whose EBT cards (a kind of social assistance credit card) wouldn’t work without an Internet connection; and an entire economy crippled by debt. Just as important, the storm seemed to reveal an indifference from the Trump administration, as if all but confirming the island’s second-class status. As the authors point out, Trump spent the first weekend after Maria mostly at his private New Jersey golf club, fulminating about Kim Jong Un and the National Football League.Andrés arrived on one of the first commercial flights to Puerto Rico, landing in San Juan on Sept. 25, five days after Maria made landfall. It was the same day that the first Trump administration officials visited the island. The chef saw a humanitarian crisis and stayed to help. FEMA administrator William “Brock” Long and Tom Bossert, a White House homeland security adviser, stayed the day and returned to Washington to brief the president.“My original plan was to cook maybe ten thousand meals a day for five days, and then return home,” Andrés writes.Instead, Andrés and the thousands of volunteers who composed Chefs for Puerto Rico remained for months, preparing and delivering more than 3 million meals to every part of the island. They didn’t wait for permission from FEMA. They didn’t even wait for FEMA funding (though funding eventually came from the agency). They just started activating restaurants, churches, food trucks and, eventually, the Coliseo de Puerto Rico in San Juan. They quickly scaled up their production of sandwiches, paellas, stews and, really, anything that would provide more comfort than the field rations known as Meals Ready to Eat, or MREs, the food often passed out after disasters. Under certain conditions, MREs have a shelf life of five years.“I like to say that a hot meal is more than just food,” Andrés writes. “It’s a plate of hope. An MRE is almost hopeless.”These grass-roots culinary efforts didn’t always sit well with administration officials or with executives at hidebound charities, in part because Andrés was no diplomat. He trolled Trump on Twitter over the situation on Puerto Rico. He badgered FEMA for large contracts to ramp up production to feed even more hungry citizens. He infamously told Time magazine that the “American government has failed” in Puerto Rico. A chef used to fast-moving kitchens, Andrés had zero patience for slow-footed bureaucracy, especially in a time of crisis. In the book, Andrés and Wolffe save their most scathing criticism for the American Red Cross, the multibillion-dollar charity with the federal charter “to maintain a system of domestic and international disaster relief.” In a chapter titled “Seeing Red,” the authors use the organization’s own words and statistics against it. Of the more than $65 million raised to help the victims of Maria, the Red Cross spent only $30 million on emergency relief and recovery efforts, they write. “The Red Cross generously gave themselves 9 percent of that leftover cash — or $3.2 million — for their own general management costs,” they add.If Andrés is tough on charities and the administration for their response in Puerto Rico — he writes Trump didn’t earn the “10” rating that the president gave himself — the chef is equally hard on himself. “And I certainly wouldn’t give myself anything more than a five for my own, because there was so much more we needed to do. We failed to reach so many people who needed so much help.”After dealing with so much red tape and mismanagement (remember the disastrous $156 million contract that FEMA awarded to a small, inexperienced company to prepare 30 million hot meals?), Andrés wants the government and nonprofit groups to rethink the way they handle food after a large-scale natural disaster. He wants them to drop the authoritarian, top-down style and embrace the chaos inherent in crisis. Work with available local resources, whether residents or idle restaurants and schools. Give people the authority and the means to help themselves. Stimulate the local economy.“What we did was embrace complexity every single second,” Andrés writes. “Not planning, not meeting, just improvising. The old school wants you to plan, but we needed to feed the people.”Andrés and World Central Kitchen have embraced complexity. An organization not originally designed as a food relief organization, WCK has, in the aftermath of Puerto Rico, sent chefs to Hawaii, Guatemala, Indonesia and other locales to feed locals in need. In fact, Andrés is donating 100 percent of his net proceeds from “We Fed an Island” to World Central Kitchen, which will help continue its work to feed those who can’t feed themselves when disaster strikes.The money might even help keep a promise that Andrés made to a 10-year-old volunteer named Lola. The daughter of a food truck operator in San Juan, Lola worked every day to make sandwiches, disregarding Andrés’s pleas to take a break. “I was so impressed with her,” he writes in the book, “I promised I would pay for her college education.”It’s a promise, Andrés told me, that he won’t forget.

After living through hurricane Maria and the harrowing months that followed, I tried to avoid reading any more stories about what happened. It just brought everything back. However, when I came upon this book I decided to buy it as a gift for my son, who had worked as a volunteer at José Andrés' World Central Kitchen at El Choliseo after the hurricane. I began to read it before giving it to him … and could not put it down! This book tells the true story of what actually happened. What Chef José Andrés accomplished was extraordinary, but the story behind it is even more impressive. It is a story of sheer willpower, against insurmountable odds, of making contact with the people, of partnering with the many wonderful chefs we have in PR, with our local producers and our local resources. It exposes the inefficiency of red tape and bureaucracy in the face of a natural disaster. The authors could not have told it better. They mince no words and structured the book in a way that makes for a captivating read.It is a must read for anyone who likes a good story, who is interested in disaster relief, or is in the potential path of a natural disaster. Certainly, it is a must read for anyone who lived through hurricane Maria. It is a story that HAD to be told. This book also gives us the opportunity to say a HUGE thank you to José Andrés and to all those who came to help, to our relatives, to our friends and our friends' friends , who showed up from afar in more ways than one.¡GRACIAS, José Andrés!

Get the day to day reality of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria’s devastating path across Puerto Rico. Chef Andres reports from his position of persistence and passion to feed hot meals to people in need without reliable water, power or fuel. His witness to the basic corruption and distance of large institutions is unsurprising and with good lessons to be learned.

Heartbreaking yet inspiring story of the power of a good meal during a dreadful crisis. Chef Jose ignored the word NO and fed 3 million meals with an army of volunteers. Whilst the NGO’s like Red Cross and government bodies like FEMA did so very little. In America . NOT a third world country, AMERICA ! If Jose could use his experience to retrain not for profits , imagine what a difference it would make. Eye opening.

Chef Andreas was an extraordinary man before Hurricane Maria. His story as told in this book makes him revolutionary. Amazing book and very relevant.

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We Fed an Island: The True Story of Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Meal at a Time, by Jose Andres PDF

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