Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Ebook Download , by Ben Cook

Ebook Download , by Ben Cook

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, by Ben Cook

, by Ben Cook

, by Ben Cook

Ebook Download , by Ben Cook

Now present! A book that will give great impacts for you! A publication has good deals with the day-to-day problem around. This book is a publication that has been created by a seasoned writer. For the outcome, the writer actually has fantastic bring about bring in the visitors. It triggers the title of this book is also so fascinating. , By Ben Cook is this publication title.

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, by Ben Cook

Product details

File Size: 953 KB

Print Length: 234 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Other Places Publishing (August 17, 2010)

Publication Date: August 17, 2010

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B004478CP0



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#760,032 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

"Micronesia and Palau" is an unusual guidebook in a number of respects. The central Pacific islands described in the book are pretty much off the beaten tourist path, unless you happen to be a hardcore diver or student of the Pacific portion of the Second World War. Most of the islands have limited infrastructure intended for visitors (which can be good or bad). The book was written by former Peace Corps volunteers who actually lived in Micronesia and Palau; their insight on the islands and the locals is much more in depth than might be expected from the standard tourist handbook."Micronesia and Palau" does contain lots of useful information about some relatively remote and beautiful islands, all of which have something to offer the tourist looking for something different and prepared to perhaps rough it a little. There is a limited selection of black and white photographs and some sketch maps. The guide offers enough information to plan a visit and to engage the local culture, although additional research is recommended on airline and other travel connections (which can be inconvenient and expensive). This book may also be of interest to students of Oceania, looking for recent insights into the partly traditional, partially westernized societies in Micronesia and the Republic of Palau. It is highly recommended to both audiences.

About the best guide you're likely to find for Micronesia. Certainly better done than the "Lonely Planet" series.

Only current travel book on Micronesia.

What a disappointment. I purchased this guidebook hoping for insider information from the former Peace Corps volunteer authors. Instead, it seemed that they had sworn a solemn oath not to reveal any of their local knowledge to tourists.The Palau contributing editor writes in her bio that she enjoyed running, hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, and biking around the islands and was happy to share her secrets. I looked up hiking and it referred me to the Sights section for possible hike locations. I went to Sights and not one hike was listed. There were a couple of museums that one could walk to, there were several sights on the water in the Rock Islands that it's impossible to walk to and there was a helicopter tour listed. Biking? Nothing. Kayaking? Contact a tour operator. No mention that one can kayak and camp independently in the Rock Islands. (That was the best vacation of my life camping on the Rock Islands.) Snorkeling? They mention the beach at the Palau Pacific Resort but no mention that one can buy a day pass for $25.The same applies for the FSM coverage. On Yap they mention stone money banks but don't tell you where to find them. (They tell you to visit the Visitor's Bureau for information.) They tell you that the Tmilyog [sic] Trail is the most popular hike and tell you that any hotel or resort can arrange it. (The Visitor's Bureau will give you a nice map of Yap, the trail head with the BIG sign is easily found just out of town.) Also, it's the Hiltop Motel not Hilltop Hotel.Crucial information is missing. There's a $35 permit one has to purchase in order to visit Jellyfish Lake in addition to the cost of the tour taking you there. There are various diving permits needed in Palau. There are varying hotel occupancy taxes in the States. These are all not mentioned.The hotel descriptions are lacking. Example: they will list a range of prices at a hotel but not mention that the less expensive rooms are in the old wing.I could go on and on. There is way too much ask your hotel, ask your tour operator.Why are distances on maps noted in kilometers when miles are used locally and the most likely purchaser of the book will be American?Luckily in planning I used the old Moon Micronesia (about 10 years old, prices haven't gone up that much and what has changed has not been included in this new guide), the wonderful 1995 (back when they were still good) Lonely Planet Micronesia and Tripadvisor. With the old 1995 LP guide I was able to hike to a waterfall not far from Kolonia, Pohnpei. It's not even mentioned here. (Hire a guide is their general waterfall advice.)Anything good in the guide? Well if you are on a dive or surf tour and you have all your accommodations set and are just looking to see where to have dinner and possibly find a bit of nightlife this is handy to have.

I really enjoyed the authors' perspective of the islands in Micronesia. They were very informative and they shared intimate knowledge about the culture you can't find elsewhere. I especially enjoyed the folktales added into the chapters that really made this book entertaining and not just another boring guide book.

This is the most up-to-date and informative guide book on Micronesia I've found. Ben Cook gives lots of great suggestions for things to see and do. The maps are clear and easy to read and the pictures are beautiful. I would read this guide even if I weren't going to Micronesia - just to daydream!

I can't speak to the entire book, but the section on Palau is spot on. Most books give Palau a few short pages. Here, however, there is a wealth of practical information. Having spent a fair amount of time in Palau, I think the information and recommendations are as up-to-date as one is likely to find. I also appreciated the authors' cultural sidenotes. If you are traveling to Palau any time soon, I highly recommend this book. I wish I had read it before my trip.

Fantastic book by authors who clearly spent time in Palau and Micronesia and acquired local knowledge. I like that the authors are former Peace Corps volunteers who truly spent time there, rather than some publisher who came in for a few weeks and left to write a book. I disagree with the negative reviews listed here on Amazon.

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