Minggu, 26 April 2015

Ebook Download The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood

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The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood

The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood

The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood

Ebook Download The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood

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The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood


“Readers are taken on a global journey to meet the frothing fans of ISIS. . . . [Graeme] Wood wants to know these people, to get in their skin, to understand how they see the world. Unlike most journalists writing about Islam today, there is no partisan axe to grind here, no hidden agenda to subtly advance. . . . To these troubled men, Islam is not an opiate of the masses; it is a euphoric, reality-bending, and ultimately self-annihilating psychedelic.”—New Republic“[Graeme Wood] shows, convincingly, that the stifling and abhorrent practices of the Islamic State are rooted in Islam itself—not mainstream Islam, but in scriptures and practices that have persisted for centuries. . . . The Islamic State, such as it is, is a dangerous place, and Wood’s book amounts to a tour around its far edges.”—Dexter Filkins, The New York Times Book Review “Worthy of Joseph Conrad . . . In a field where there has admittedly been little competition, [Wood’s] book ranks as the funniest yet written on Islamic State. As in many a British sitcom, the comedy mostly emerges from the disequilibrium between the scale of his characters’ pretensions and ambitions and the banality of their day-to-day lives. . . . Gripping, sobering and revelatory.”—New Statesman (UK) “The best way to defeat the Islamic State is to understand it. And to do that, the best place to start is [The Way of the Strangers]. . . . A series of gripping, fascinating portraits. . . . Wood has the talented journalist’s skill for interview and observation. He’s an astute psychologist and a good writer to boot. . . . It’s a great read. But more importantly, Wood’s book reveals truths about ISIS that are hiding in plain sight—but that our leaders make themselves willfully ignorant of. They ought to read his book, too.”—The Week “Indispensable and gripping . . . From Mosul to Melbourne, from Cairo to Tokyo, from London to Oslo, from Connecticut to California, Graeme Wood’s quest to understand the Islamic State is a round-the-world journey to the end of the night. As individuals, the men he encounters are misfits, even losers. But their millenarian Islamist ideology makes them the most dangerous people on the planet.”—Niall Ferguson, senior fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, author of The War of the World “Over the course of its short life, the Islamic State has inspired millions, thousands of whom have rallied to its cause in search of a glorious death. But why? Are its devotees nothing more than sadists and two-bit mafiosi for whom religion is a fig leaf and who will fade away in the face of military defeat? In this essential book, Graeme Wood draws on more than a decade of reporting to demolish these and other comforting deceptions. The Islamic State’s devotees are true believers indeed, and their nightmarish vision will haunt our world for decades to come, regardless of what happens on the battlefield.”—Reihan Salam, executive editor, National Review “Graeme Wood is America’s foremost interpreter of ISIS as a world-historical phenomenon. In The Way of the Strangers, he has given us the definitive work to date on the origins, plans, and meaning of the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization. Wood is a fearless, relentlessly curious, and magnetically interesting writer who takes us on an intellectual and theological journey to the darkest places on the planet, yet he manages to do this without despairing for our collective future. This book is a triumph of journalism.”—Jeffrey Goldberg, editor in chief, The Atlantic“The Way of the Strangers represents journalism at its best: vivid writing, indefatigable legwork, and fearless analysis.”—Robert D. Kaplan, author of The Return of Marco Polo's World “Graeme Wood is a brilliant analyst and storyteller, and his firsthand reporting and language abilities make him the most reliable commentator on the Islamic State I have read. His wit matches his intelligence (‘Well-behaved Salafis seldom make history’)—you don't get through any two pages in his book without a good laugh.”—Peter Theroux “With coolheaded sensitivity, Graeme Wood pulls together history, religion, and shoe-leather reporting to illuminate what will continue to be one the biggest geopolitical challenges of our time, the rise of the Islamic State.”—Admiral James Stavridis, USN, supreme allied commander at NATO; dean emeritus, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; operating executive, the Carlyle Group; chair of the board of counselors, McLarty Associates “The Obama administration insisted that ISIS had nothing to do with Islam, and Trump and his advisers say that Islam hates us. There had to be something between these two erroneous extremes, and that something is the scholarship in Graeme Wood’s The Way of the Strangers. It is a balanced account of how terrorists, while in no way representing all of the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims, take strength from some authentic Islamic narratives.  ISIS is down but not yet out. It’s time we understood them.”—Michael Hayden, former CIA director

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About the Author

Graeme Wood is a national correspondent for The Atlantic. He has written for The New Republic, The New Yorker, Bloomberg Businessweek, The American Scholar, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and many other publications. He was the 2014–2015 Edward R. Murrow Press Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and he teaches in the political science department at Yale University.

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Product details

Hardcover: 352 pages

Publisher: Random House; First Edition edition (December 20, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0812988752

ISBN-13: 978-0812988758

Product Dimensions:

6.4 x 1.1 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

69 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#287,751 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

From the moment it downloaded to my Kindle early this morning, I have not been able to stop reading it. It exposes the religious foundation for ISIS and does not dance around the reality that indeed ISIS is very much a well considered implementation of historic Islamic teachings and practices. The author is a self-described atheist, so he can not be accused of being on some sort of Christian Crusade, against the Jihadists. No, this book is simply his eye and ear witness accounts with those persons who are part of the ISIS movement and champions of what its goals are. He allows them to explain the philosophies of the most "radical" form of Islam that is the foundation of ISIS, but the form of Islam most true to its origins. If you are ready to read something not filtered through the self-chosen ignorance of Western media, you will learn what ISIS is really about all about and why it does what it does. It's a very necessary splash of cold, hard reality. At our peril we neglect this reality. Whether the West cares or not, the fact is ISIS is determined to wipe all Western societies off the map and will stop at absolutely nothing to do so. "Compromise" and "diplomacy" are alien concepts. We are war with radical Islam, make no mistake about it. You won't after you read this book.

In poker, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is to underestimate your adversary. The Islamic State (IS) is one adversary that both Westerners and Muslims have underestimated *and* misunderstood.‘Cause let’s face it – who really gets IS anyway? Even to an educated audience, they seem like a jumble of names (ISIS? ISIL? Da’esh? different from Al Qaeda?), leaders, factions and philosophies falling somewhere between incoherence and chaos. How did they come about? Are these guys even Muslim? What’s up with the beheadings, amputations, and sex slavery? What compels so many seemingly nice young men to leave everything behind and join them in Syria? And why are they so damn mean? “The Way of the Strangers” places IS in an historical, religious, geographic and ideological context so by the end of it we can all say, “Aahh, *now* I get it.”First of all, IS is definitely Muslim, even though most Muslim scholars and laymen hate to admit it. Wood shows how IS goes out of its way to justify its odious behavior with Muslim scripture. Its interpretations may be capricious and biased towards bloodthirsty nihilism, but they’re not coming out of thin air.I particularly appreciated Wood’s taxonomy of the various interrelated Islamist movements. He does a great job of tracing the IS ideology back to its sources, showing the fault lines that cause communion and clash amongst the extremist factions. The descriptions are precise; never again will you conflate Wahhabis, Salafis and Dhahiris at a cocktail party.Where the book really shines is in Wood’s encounters with flesh-and-blood IS devotees, many of them converts. Musa (born Robert) Cerantonio the Australian; Hesham Elashry, the Egyptian tailor; Hassan Ko Nakata, the mild-mannered Japanese academic; “The Avenger” (really); and the family of the gnomic Yahya Abu Hassan, who grew up a mere 20min away from Wood’s own childhood Dallas home.Through these characters – mentally nimble but ideologically pigheaded, hospitable in manner but advocating brutish violence – you come to appreciate the internal logic of IS, and how a token bookish, socially awkward young man could get drawn into its certainties. You also apprehend the incredible darkness of it all.Even as they try to invest IS with a patina of their own Utopian desires, Wood shows the underlying ambivalence and disappointment of the IS adherents he interviews. Unfortunately, “the tragedy is that even those inverted visionaries who live to realize their error will never be able to undo the misery the have inflicted on so many others.”What’s most remarkable about the book is that it exists all. Wood is apparently fluent in Arabic and conversant in a fistful of other languages, as he goes to Cairo, Tokyo, Oslo, Mindanao (Philippines), Alexandria, London, Dallas and lord knows where else to meet these characters. He’s knowledgeable enough about Islamic history and scripture as to debate, gain the grudging respect and even *befriend* many of these people of odious creed. They pay for his meals and invite him in their homes without even poisoning him once. Maybe they all gave him a pass in hopes of the big prize for converting an atheist. Nevertheless, he probably ended up endangering his life several times to write this book.Don’t know about you, but if some faction out there hated me and were hell-bent on annihilating me, my civilization and everything I value, I’d like to know more about them. Graeme Wood gives you an authoritative, level-headed peer into the abyss of IS to better understand the origins and intentions of this formidable enemy.

Wood provides an exquisitely detailed account of the mindset, goals, and theology of Salafi Jihadis and the specific contrasts between al Qaeda and the Islamic State. The book is based off a series of vignettes detailing the author's first person encounters with a number of personalities amongst the Islamic State from Australian Salafi preachers to the family of Texan who now serves at the right hand of Baghdadi himself. This work provides an intimate grasp on the nature of the threat from the Islamic State and its ideology. It is far more accessible and provides a deeper understanding of the group than most other historically focused books in the genre, which generally chart the chronological evolution of ISIS from Zarqawi's Herat training camp in 1999 to Baghdadi's declaration of the Caliphate in 2014. These texts, while highly detailed, bog the reader down in an endless list of names, places, dates which can leave a reader bewildered and confused between Abu Hafs and Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, al-Zarqawi and al-Zawhairi, etc. Wood, by contrast, focuses on only four to six main characters which get truly developed across the pages and the reader can really connect and get a sense for each person and their motivation. These are no longer just a collection of obscure foreign names but true characters with families, hopes, dreams, and sins. If there were any book to introduce the Islamic State to a Western audience and the imminent danger its totalitarian ideology poses, this is it.

An absolute must read. Wood provides an extensive and thorough history and explanation of the rise of ISIS, and his writing style is captivating. This is a book that I could not put down. I have taught high school history for fifteen years and plan on using this book in the classroom. I believe that Wood successfully teaches the subject incredibly well but also connects with the reader on a personal level. This is a book that all people, regardless of their knowledge of ISIS, should read.

Wonderful and enjoyable read. I'm amazed at how many ISIS supporters Mr Wood was able to track down and interview. I also appreciate that he doesn't talk down to the reader or politicize what is a very political topic. Just straight reporting; he explains the history of the group, the factions, the current situation, etc - all the facts for you to make your own judgments. There are also some hilarious bits which surprised me for the topic. ISIS is, and will continue to be, a major factor for future policy around the globe... if you're looking to learn more about who they are and what they want, I highly recommend.

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The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood PDF

The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood PDF

The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood PDF
The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State, by Graeme Wood PDF

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