Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Ebook Download Invisible Monsters

Ebook Download Invisible Monsters

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Invisible Monsters

Invisible Monsters

Invisible Monsters

Ebook Download Invisible Monsters

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Invisible Monsters

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 5 hours and 56 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Blackstone Audio, Inc. Release Date: November 30, 2006

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I finished this book in one day because I wanted to see where it was going. This is the first book I've read by Mr. Palahniuk and I think I'll definitely take a chance to read more, though I feel a little bit disappointed (with myself) when I spend money on a book and it only takes me a day to read. Usually I like to drag it out, but this book really isn't one to drag out. You might get confused and forget what's going on, and I think it really needs to be read altogether to get the full force of the events and characters (especially with all the name changes).His writing is good and the characters are definitely compelling! I found Brandy Alexander to be my favorite.The only thing that kind of got to me is there was so many freaking twists! After like the third one, I felt a little like it was cheating to keep the story going. If that kind of thing bothers you, I wouldn't suggest this book then. But to me, I enjoyed them even though there was so many. It did keep me reading, so there's that ;)

I love this book. It is a nail-biting, jaw-dropping ride from beginning to end. The characters can be loved and hated all within the span of a few pages. Definitely not for the faint of heart. Definitely a book I will read again and again, but probably not until I'm ready for another roller coaster ride.I would guess that a movie version of this book would easily have an R rating. Just a heads up. Chuck is brilliant, but he is also blunt and not afraid to make his characters bold, brazen, and proud to be that way.

This is one of my top three favorite books of all time. Chuck Palahniuk doesn't disappoint. There's a certain darkness to all of his books, and his characters always have a villainous quality to them. I also really love the way this book moves back and forth through time. Invisible Monsters will hook you right from the beginning and keep you on the edge of your seat until the end. There's a certain level of horror in the book because I think a lot of people can recognize their worst fears in the main character, a former supermodel who got her jaw shot off. It's like a bad accident: horrifying but still stirs up a kind of morbid curiosity.

I thought this was another outstanding novel by Palahniuk. I thought the pacing of the story was well and especially liked how a lot of the surprise in the novel came from character's true identities. But not just in the normal sense of a character's motive being different then expected, but due to the fact that many of the characters are addressed by different names throughout the novel, there are moments where we find out that two characters who we think are different are actually the same person. And this keeps the reader on edge and does not allow them to take names for granted throughout the story.I also thought this was one of the better openings of the Palahniuk novels. It really started with a bang, and even though we traveled back in time to grasp exactly what was going on, it did a really fantastic job of giving you a good "juicy" scene to get you interested in the novel from page one. The ending sections of the novel are everything that Palahniuk fans are to expect from him. The events really start to ramp up and surprises and shocking events are around every corner. In this novel in particular we get to see a scene in the first few pages of the novel, then at the end, armed with more information on the situation, view the event very differently, and this is very effective and interesting.At it's core this book feels like a story of many people searching for their identity and place in the world, which is something that at one level or not very relatable. The twists and turns throughout the novel mixed with a quirky narrative and some interesting characters make this a very enjoyable read.

Chuck Palahniuk has taken a lot of flack over the years for being a one-trick shock pony incapable of doing anything besides shoveling blood and guts and graphic sex into the reader's face. This is true, for the most part. But he used to do it with a guise of social commentary (see Choke, Fight Club). Recently with books like Snuff, the shock-value isn't the main attraction, it is everything, coming off as a shadow of his former self. Well let's just say the epitome of his former self is contained within this rollicking beast of a book. It starts off with a literal bang at a wedding gone horribly asunder and ends in somewhat the same fashion. In between we learn about lip gloss and pill addiction and let's not forget the Thanksgiving Dinner Conversation! Very strong, aberrant stuff here, Mr. P. The characters are all pretty intriguingly strange. There isn't a lot of meat around them, however. They spend most of their time spouting odd nihilistic philosophy as they barrel headlong toward the afterlife. Think Thelma and Louise if one of them was a trannie and the other had her face torn off and reconstructed. It's pretty fun, though not quite as good as Lullaby or Choke. All Chuck Books with Letter Grades (aside from Pygmy which I have yet to read): Choke A Lullaby A Fight Club A Survivor B+ Invisible Monsters B+ Rant B Fugitives and Refugees B- Haunted C- Diary D Snuff F

There was nothing physically wrong with the book, it was in good condition. However, the actual content of the book was a disappointment. The author writes in a disjointed way and the lack of fluency makes it difficult to form imagery in my mind as I read. I’m an avid reader and this writing style was a huge ‘miss’ for me. I wasted my money on this one.

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