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Write and Grow Rich: Secrets of Successful Authors and Publishers (Exclusive Tips from Publishing Experts), by Alinka Rutkowska Adam Houge
Free Ebook Write and Grow Rich: Secrets of Successful Authors and Publishers (Exclusive Tips from Publishing Experts), by Alinka Rutkowska Adam Houge
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Product details
Series: Exclusive Tips from Publishing Experts (Book 1)
Paperback: 250 pages
Publisher: Leaders Press (October 30, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1943386269
ISBN-13: 978-1943386260
Product Dimensions:
5 x 0.6 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.2 out of 5 stars
84 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#391,764 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I follow several of the authors who contributed to this book. I have bought their products, and a few I have had conversations with. Part of my disappointment stems from the fact that they are capable of much better.In business (and other organizations) there is always a risk of groupthink. A group of smart individuals will all agree that a bad idea is good because of a desire to conform to the group. The voice in our head tells us that we must be crazy to question an idea that all of these smart people think is a good idea. I have to wonder if something similar happened here, because the contributors are smart people capable of far better.I was excited about this book when my email started blowing up with the announcements from the authors. I waited patiently for it to come out, and I even bought it twice because Amazon cancelled the book at least once. (That might be a missed marketing opportunity...the book so controversial that Amazon doesn't want you to read it!)The title is a homage to Napoleon Hill's classic "Think and Grow Rich." That title also invokes certain expectations that the book fails to deliver on.Napoleon Hill interviewed successful business leaders of his day and from those interviews distilled certain principles for success. If one of the 24 authors here had done that this would be an interesting book. What are the common themes and what are the uncommon themes? Everyone talks about how important an email list is. There are differing opinions on whether it is better to write a few books or many books. Because this book is a compilation of "interviews," there is no overall point of view that attempts to add value from the bits and pieces.I use the term "interview" lightly. A true interviewer asks follow-up questions to explore answers organically. The content here appears to be a set of standard questions emailed to authors to respond to. Someone has edited these responses, but with a light hand. As a result, there is a substantial amount of redundancy. Email lists are really, really do I know? Because each contributor says so.What I expected from the book based on the marketing was that each of these experts was going to talk about a specific area of being a successful author. For example, Matt "Buck Flogging" Stone has a whole business on publishing and cover design. In his piece he even talks about how he no longer writes much because he focuses on the business. If he had written in some detail about a narrow aspect of what he has learned from working with authors, that would be unique and interesting content. Marc Guberti is brilliant at virtual summits. Talking about how he uses those as an author or how he puts them together would be gold.One of the limitations of the book is that it is light on specifics and details. An author will talk about the value of email lists and newsletters, but they do not talk about how they use these tools with their audience. Someone could talk about how when they started, they did these things which did not work, then they did this which works better. For example, how many times do you contact your audience? How long are the pieces? Do you put the entire text in the email or do you drive clickthroughs to a longer piece on a blog? What is the ratio of marketing pieces versus other content or should all content have a call to action and thus are all marketing pieces?The introductions to each chapter were like we are part of a cool kids club, and it was not clear that they were aligned to the author's branding. For example, in the introduction for Matt Stone, the editor talkks about how they are like siblings, and how she knew him when he went by "Buck Flogging." Well, the most recent communication I received from him (a few days ago), he was still using the "Buck Flogging" persona. If pressed, I have heard him say that you can figure out his real name, but that he primarily operates his business under his psuedonym. It's great that you are all friends and complete each other's sentences, but that does not create value for me the reader.The book fails to be a variant on the "Think and Grow Rich" concept since he lacks the curation and synthesis of ideas of the original. It also fails to be a showcase for the particular expertise of the authors. A powerful structure would be to use the life cycle of authoring and publishing a book as a framework and then use specific authors to talk about pieces of this process. Instead what we have seems to be a light PR piece. The authors have publically stated that their goal is to reach the USA Today Bestseller list, but it feels like the motivation is about the publicity rather than producig content that has value to the reader.Despite my disappointments with the book, I do think there is one aspect of the book that offers some value. Most of the authors talk about overcoming set backs and challenges. Those stories can be helpful for authors who hope to find their own success as stories of inspiration. This is a "you can do it" motivational book and less a "how to do it" book. Unfortunately for me, I was expecting more of the latter.I also think it is important to note that the book is not a direct sales piece. Most of the authors reference that they sell courses and other services targetting authors, but links to landing pages are not provided here. You would have to do some searching to find those offerings.A pro tip is to read the 2-3 star reviews in your niche to discover how as an author you can improve on existing offerings. My hope is that someone who is attempting a similar book will read this review and do something better.
This is a whole lot of I, me, mine.And no how to. Vague generalities.The cover says "Exclusive Tips"Here is the real tip: Write a fluff book by a group of successful people, market it to all their HUGE email list, and get a lot of promotion for you and them.Good luck with that newbie authors.
I pre-purchased this book. I was excited by the hype. I trusted some of the people in the book because I had been on their email lists for awhile and purchased multiple programs from some of them. When I got the e-notification that the book had arrived I didn't open it immediately because it was mid-week and I wanted to make sure I had an uninterrupted block of time to read, take notes, and savor. Friday night rolled around and I took out my Kindle to what I hoped would be a solid book with expert tips and writing encouragement. This was not that book. It's a set of standard softball, entertainment type magazine, questions sent to a group of writer/marketers. They answered the same questions, threw all of that into a book, and marketed the heck out of it.After the first few pages I realized I'd been duped. In quick succession I felt betrayal, embarrassment (that I'd trusted them), jilted, and finally anger. I had invited people I'd trusted into my reading home as virtual guests.They are now uninvited. I am now going in search of their individual unsubscribe buttons from their email lists. I will not invite them back.
Many of these authors have had a deep impact on my own writing journey, so to see them all in one volume was truly a treat.The information in this book scales from first-time author to established house-hold name.I am only half way through it but I have been taking lots of notes and readjusting some of my strategies. To date I've written 15 books, but I still have a lot to learn if I want to reach the six-figure status that most of these writers have already attained.I highly recommend this anthology!
This book was not entirely what I expected. It's essentially a collection of essays that are built by the five or so common questions stipulated in the book's description, with a brief introduction to each writer. The book is divided into sections that seem to be based on the niche/specialty that each of the authors has within their respective writing professions. From the first chapter, I found my finger highlighting away with loads of great advice and ideas. For anyone struggling to get their writing career off the ground, I highly recommend you read how these successful individiuals did so. Great job!
Write and Grow Rich is a fantastic compilation of 24 authors who have all had success publishing their books, and making a living or growing their business from it. Alinka has gathered 23 other talented and knowledgeable people, who cover the gamut of topics from getting your writing going, to marketing, to teaching and training, and finally everyone’s ultimate goal – transforming the lives of your readers and fans. So far every chapter – each written by a different authority in the field – has yielded at least one golden nugget I’m taking forward in our writing/publishing business, and I can’t thank all of these folks enough for sharing their wisdom, insight, ideas, and motivation.
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